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The Zon'Tai are a mysterious and ancient species, whispered to have existed before the dawn of the universe itself, and perhaps even to have shaped its creation. Very little is known of their origins or history, as they are an enigmatic and reserved species that rarely interacts with other beings. Though it is said that they possess the ability to influence the course of random events, seemingly with a profound understanding of the underlying workings of the cosmos.

The Zon'Tai are sometimes called the Dimidians or the Angels of Space, and their very name, Zontaliantishkahatay'Tailinitay, is a mouthful that speaks to their alien nature. Their existence is intimately tied to the concept of time, as they are quantum temporally sensitive beings whose presence is constant within the present. This sensitivity allows them to perceive changes in time and disruptions in the timeline, causing them to experience disorientation and even physical illness. In spite of this, the Zon'Tai have mastered the art of temporal engineering, though the taboo nature of time travel means that they rarely make use of it.

The Zon'Tai exist within the Continuum Nexus known as Dimidia, which lies outside the bounds of normal space-time, yet is perceived as such. This Nexus is home to nine planets, all bearing the same name, Dimidia, with a number appended to each. Eight of these planets are artificial ring worlds, constructed over many years to house the ever-expanding Zon'Tai population. The original world, known as Dimidia 5, is the fifth planet in the system due to the order in which the artificial planets were constructed.

The Dimidia system consists of three red suns, forming a trinary system with an orbital distance of approximately 900 astronomical units. The main planet itself is massive, stretching nearly 2 million miles at the equator, and its shape is somewhat oblong, a result of its heavy gravity and complex orbit around the three suns. Days on each planet last a staggering 97 hours, while nights are a mere 6 hours, owing to the unusual orbital patterns. The planet's environment and population are sustained through advanced cosmological technology, which allows for the artificial maintenance of the world's delicate ecological balance.

Originally, there was only one planet in the Dimidia system, until eight additional ringworlds were constructed to accommodate the Zon'Tai population. These artificial worlds are identical to the original in terms of environment and gravity, and the length of a year on each planet is equivalent to 50 Earth years. The Zon'Tai have adapted to this unusual temporal flow, aging at a rate of 1 year for every 50 Earth years. As a result, the Zon'Tai enjoy an extraordinary lifespan, spanning millennia and allowing them to accumulate knowledge and wisdom that far surpasses that of any mortal race.

Origin (con’t):[]

the vistas of these worlds are painted in a deep and ominous crimson hue, a sight to behold and a wonder to contemplate. The reason for this spectacle is that the atmosphere of these planets is rich in gaseous compounds which the enigmatic and elusive Dimidians require for respiration, and the presence of multiple suns in the system which casts a stark and otherworldly illumination on everything below.

Alas, these worlds have undergone an industrial transformation which spans millennia, and as a result, all traces of natural vegetation have been utterly obliterated to make way for towering urban structures and sprawling industrial complexes. The denizens of these planets have had to cultivate plant life in controlled indoor environments and greenhouses throughout the system, all to ensure the production of a life-sustaining atmosphere and edible sustenance. This harmonious balance of technology and life is but a testament to the Zon'Tai's unsurpassed mastery of both.

Brief History:[]

In the vast expanse of the galaxy, the Zon'Tai were known as the enigmatic and formidable "Ancient Ones", feared and loathed by many for their mastery of biotechnology that allowed them to extend life far beyond the norm. The average person could expect to live for a mere 2,000 Dimidian years, while the Zon'Tai enjoyed a lifespan that spanned eons. But despite their longevity, war and chaos ravaged their species, leading to conflicts with neighboring planets that ran counter to the Zon'Tai's way of life. In a bid to put an end to the strife and usher in an era of harmony, the MIU Program was born.

The MIU Program comprised nine individuals whose biology had been altered from the embryonic stage to fight in battles, wars, and engage in espionage to prevent them from starting. These individuals were essentially born to do the job, and their genetic modifications endowed them with extraordinary abilities. The MIUs became so skilled that they could single-handedly fight hordes of enemy troops on the ground, and their numbers grew with each passing generation of Zon'Tai. Since the program's inception, four sets of MIUs have been created, though not without some failed experiments.

The modifications made to the MIUs were almost entirely genetic, with little use of augmented technology. Only nine MIUs were selected from each generation, after undergoing rigorous psycho evaluations of their mothers. On occasion, some MIUs went AWOL or rebelled, with only one public case of an MIU gone rogue and attempting to destroy everything. However, rumors suggest that the Hierarchy has covered up more such cases.

As the Zon'Tai evolved, they became a force to be reckoned with, and the frequency of battles gradually decreased until they ceased altogether. The last MIU candidates spent as little as 50 Earth years fulfilling their duties, and one of them even ran away from Dimidia before being told of her retirement as an MIU. Over quintillions of years, the Zon'Tai's way of life evolved into what humans would call a utopian society, with the species becoming rather introverted but not to the point of xenophobia. Using a Dimensional destabilizer, they formed themselves into a pocket universe or nexus and left the known space, eventually becoming forgotten, as they desired.

With their natural intelligence, the Zon'Tai developed spaceflight 4,000 of their years into their existence, and a couple of thousand years later, they created warp travel through multiple trials and errors. However, they did not venture far beyond their own system, as they deemed warp travel as a primitive technology, having invented it during their primitive era. To date, they have invented interdimensional time and space travel in an instant, using Multifabrication Quantum Entanglement drives. The MIU Program may have faded into history, but the Zon'Tai's technological advancement and mastery of the universe continue to inspire awe and admiration.


In the realm of Zon'tai, a society of technological marvels and utopian living conditions, harm to one another is forbidden by sacred decree. Their cities are not just bastions of advanced science and engineering, but oases of ecological harmony, where even the very air is purified to perfection. Death and suffering are virtually extinct, replaced by a blissful state of being that defies the understanding of most other species. Such is the transformative power of Zon'tai's advancements in genetics and biotechnology that basic bodily functions, once so mundane as to be taken for granted, are now artificial constructs. Sleep, eating, and even reproduction have been surpassed by the wondrous ingenuity of the Zon'tai people.

But make no mistake, the Zon'tai are not mere machines, they are a living, breathing species that have integrated technology into their very nature. They have found the perfect balance between the two, allowing their existence to be enhanced by their inventions, rather than consumed by them. It is a symbiosis that has allowed them to achieve such a high level of natural triotic ability, though they keep this fact closely guarded, as the power it affords them could be used for nefarious purposes.

For the Zon'tai, the very fabric of reality is at their fingertips. They possess the ability to manipulate their bodies, protecting themselves from harm with ease. They can create portals that defy the laws of physics, instantaneously transporting themselves to any location they desire, provided they have knowledge of it. The Zon'tai live in a world where science and nature are in perfect harmony, a society where their very essence has been transformed by the wonder of technology.

Appearance and Personality:[]

Zon’Tai are a Bipedal species with two arms and legs, they are majoritively short in nature (due to heavy gravity) with orange, red, black, or White furlines. The Brightness of this fur is a sign of the individual's health and well being, the darker it was, the more secretive that person is, or the less vibrant the color the more healthy and a mix thereof. their general appearance has similarities with some earth animals, though not identical such as rabbits, rodents and Canines, a subset race of Zon'Tai also have an appearance similar to that of Humans with varying skin tones with an outlying furline around the back and sides of the face and body.

They vaguely resemble the outline of humans, however they have significantly different physiological traits, such as;

  • Zon’Tai teeth are commonly sharp in the front but herbivorous in the back.
  • The hair on the crown of the head will often match the light fur-line color of the said person, but is commonplace for people to dye the hair different colors, though the length of each person's hair differs and can be based on personal preference and genetics, the fur growth however usually does not grow any farther than a couple of millimeters and is always very fine and soft to the touch.
  • Zon’Tai Eyes are Bioluminescent (Have a slight glow) and feature the ability to change pigmentation depending on the dominant mood in the individual's mind. The iris is typically large and can sometimes fill the entire eye, the larger pupil within allows for greater visual acuity.
  • The Average Build of each person's body depends on the lifestyle of said individual, however, obesity is taboo and is incredibly rare, generally occurrences are typically brought on by a genetic abnormality, and are frequently modified.
  • Zon'Tai have soft triangular ears, that are typically larger then humans, they are capable of consciously moving them and generally move with emotional states and when observing sounds around them.
  • Zon'Tai the fair line on a typical persons back can sometimes continue to their face, protruding outwards from the hairline to the cheeks and forehead.
  • MIU agents have visible signs of genetic modification generally in the face, which is displayed typically as faint marks that look similar to birth marks and so on.
  • Almost all members of the species have had some form of cybernetic augmentation, these can be seen in the form of scars and metal intrusions into the skin.

Zon’Tai are, for the most part, are in good nature, but when provoked can be aggressive and like all species and cultures, exist so-called, Freedom fighters, rebels, and general criminals


Zon’Tai are physically superior to humans in nearly every respect, though not generally superhumanly so. They are stronger than their appearance would suggest, they are capable of noticing ripples in the patterns of time. They are also capable of surviving without oxygen and conserving it for better stamina and better than average agility. Their senses are also slightly keener than a human's and they are capable of short periods of time to survive unprotected in the vacuum of space for several minutes depending on their physical condition. Among the more obvious physical differences between their bodies and that of humans or most other biped species is that they have three hearts. They are blocked from being telepathic, another of the species' gifts, from generations of genetic tinkering. They are incapable of communicating with other telepathic beings, or being read by an empath. Artificial telepathic receivers are generally required for the species too understand if any kind of telepathic event is taking place, such technology is also used for the perception of there universal translator, the common language on the zon'tai homeworld, is typically far too complex for other translators to comprehend, which can lead to frustrating events if it breaks down.

Intelligence and Emotional Capacity:[]

Zon'Tai are keen inventors as such the common average Intelligence Quota is around 300 to 1000 and genius-level IQs around 1500 to 1800, MIU agents much more so, though this can cause some emotional instability and general anxiety in them. Though they are capable of developing friendships, love lives, and other emotional connections to each other, without the overbearing intelligence to get in the way. Trust between friends is known to be unalterably loyal to one another and as such trust is hardly ever an issue, in some cases the use of this expected trust is exploited by criminals to capture the person or to rob them.

Family and Reproductive Methods []

When two Dimidian people are in love, they can become Kin’otra, which is a form of boy or girlfriend, with extra connotations. However has to be registered with a Sort of Department of Relationships known as the Jajh’Ta’Fratool, Kin’Otra is a relationship that is open an one (to which you can also have more than one Kin’Otra), due to the fact that Sex on Dimidia is a very casually approached exercise, and is often performed between close friends and even family, rather than just the two in a relationship, Poly amorous acts are commonplace and are typically encouraged,

However they are prohibited to mate with friends for reproduction, that is restricted to Sen'Otra's. Sexual acts are also a way for two people (or more) to get to know each other and bond, that have just met. This is commonplace and is as casual as a handshake.

Should a couple, opposite sex or otherwise, wish to take the relationship further. They become, Sen’Otra, which is the equivalent of marriage, when this is done they have a love for only the one, all other Kin’Otras will be nulled, however, the relationship is still open and sex with others is casual as before. 


Reproduction of the species is done through sexual intercourse, the one similar aspect they have with other species. They are however only genetically compatible with other members of their species and can not produce a child with members of another species or race. This Factor is genetically modified in MIU agents to strengthen it, as they will often leave off-world for months. There have been cases of a few errors in the genetic modifications, to cause complete infertility, including their own. Sexual encounters between members of the species are often very casual and can be used as a method of two friends to get to know each other better, this includes same-sex interactions as most Zon'Tai are Pansexual and as such there are no real mating rituals when it comes time to create a new life, it is done as a decision between two who want it, though they are usually bonded as Kin'Otra which means, Life Partner, this relationship is always an open one. The Average number of children between two people is two children as this is the law set down as population control.


The General Health of the planet it what you would expect from an overpopulated planet 100 times the size of earth, it's good, but the health care is hard to go around, there is no such thing as cancer or chronic sickness but due to the high demand people can die of other sicknesses just waiting to be aided. Medical Research has advanced to the point where rapid healing in an individual is possible, though this is limited to MIU Agents as it can prolong life and cause near invulnerability as a safeguard is not given to others. Zon'Tai has an incredible lifespan in comparison to humans, around 25 - 75 Thousand Earth Years, though they can die of old age, when this happens the bodies are incinerated and the mind is uploaded to a large computer Drive known as the Je'Tum, this is not intractable, though it acts as a memorial to the person, detailing their entire life experiences.

The MIU Program:[]

Some Zon’Tai, known as CANDIDATES, are Genetically Altered while in a prenatal condition to serve as an MIU Agent, these abilities are;

  • Enhanced Thinking Processors of the brain
  •  Cognitive Emotional Control
  • Vital Signs Control
  • Enhanced Strength and visual equity
  •  Resistant to pain and healing abilities ( quick healing abilities are limited to medium sized wounds such as a shotgun blast or Phaser blast)
  •  Enhanced Immune System (Able to withstand most diseases but is known to sometimes fail)
  • Controlled Hearing (In comparison to humans without enhancements Dimidians naturally possess very good hearing abilities
  • Enhanced Speed
  • Enhanced Reaction Time

Zon’Tai Once tried cybernetic implants to better improve their people but eventually found it to be an impure way of going about it, so they did not pursue it, however during the experimental times of that era one device that was created was deemed a good idea and kept.

The Kel'Intra Implant which is a device that is fused to the bone of the arm and linked to the brainstem via Fiberlink establishment cable (this is a Dimidian biological wire) and is unable to be removed without killing the Zon’Tai it is linked to. The Device Acts as a Sub Brain meaning the device will provide certain needs when they may arise.

The Primary and Essential Uses of this device are:

  • Personal Artificial Gravity when off-world (Without a Zon’Tai could not possibly stand or walk)
  • Universal Translator For Reading (Without A Zon’Tai would not be able to read any displays that are not in the Zon’Tai native language)
  •  Audio Universal Translator - Dimidians can only physically speak one language and this is able to translate into any language in its database, the user is able to turn it off at will
  •  Multiplication Fabricator - This is a tool to help in the engineering and construction of devices
  • Personal Computer and Database
  •  Hacking Devise (rarely used feature)
  • Weapon (ability to fabricate explosives)
  •  Sensor and Scanner
  •  Medical Assistant

The Zon’Tai are also slightly Telepathic and Empathic However the telepathic abilities are limited to one on one communication with other Zon’Tai, but is rarely used, they prefer verbal communication and can suppress the telepathic abilities which is normally the case they can also use this ability to block other species from reading their emotions or Thoughts.

MIU Agents however lack this ability and are unable to communicate this way, and are totally cut off from any external force as well.

Politics And Religion[]


All nine planets are governed by the hierarchy known as the Fo’Ta. Which is led by the head node Har’vok. Each member below the head node controls a section of the city on each planet And represents it to the head node. Who will often make decisions on the planet for enhancements to ways of life and new buildings or law each section and the planets as a whole. Every 10 years (500 earth years) a new head node is chosen usually from those below. The people generally have an opinion to who should take the role, however, do not have the deciding vote (99% of the time the public vote heavily influences and decide the outcome, while not necessarily being a democracy, it acts as such) The hierarchy allows for freedom of speech to all citizens of all planets however due to tradition leaving the planets to live on an alien world is not a choice or freedom the species enjoy, however,it is uncommon for anyone to want to leave. As such generally the species are free and are not under the rule of tyranny or anything like that. Hierarchy is also responsible for preventing wars and misunderstanding is upon its people, which is highly successful. 

Work and Employment []

The Zon’Tai economy is a very unique one, while there is no necessary need for currency, one exists, known as the Narok. Most necessities such as food and living space are free, there is no poverty on the planets, and hasn’t been for millions of years. Other commodities such as valuables, technology, and crafts require Currency which of course can be obtained through employment, which ranges from menial work such as cleaning to dangerous work such as and M.I.U agent. 

Though the gap in which they are paid can be quite significant. What makes the economy so unique is that one person doesn’t live better than the other, meaning no matter how much you make, you will always have enough to get what you want. As different variations of different things exist for those who have less currency (essentially it is akin to getting a cheaper version of something). Due to the sheer size of the planets, it is uncommon for anyone to be out of work, as frowned upon, and listed in the taboo index to not be working.


The Zon’Tai Or an ancient species ( almost as old as the universe itself ) as such religion has been twisted and altered to the millennia after millennia. Generally, every citizen of the world has the same religion or a variation thereupon. Though it has been reduced to more hearsay and stories some people believe in things they can observe. It is believed that The multiverse was an accident created by a species that destroyed themselves in the creation of it, the designers of which they refer to as "The Gods". So they do not believe that they have mystical powers or omnipotent abilities. Religion is known as Sinona, which translates to "the beginning", it is not worshipped in buildings and they do not pray, it is more discussed during school and can often be a point of study and research for some.


Every Zon’Tai are given the same opportunity in life as the others. They are all inducted into schools which can last from 6 to 10 years (300 to 500 earth years) in which they will learn everything from complex mathematics to temporal equations as well as the vast history of the species. Though they are all given the same opportunities some of the more gifted individuals Will be moved into classes that represent their gifted status, meaning they are more adapt to mental exercises than others of the species. So known as the school for the gifted, it is here where they will learn the intricacies of complex technologies and genetic research. 

Society and Culture[]

Social Classes:[]

On Dimidia, the Zon’Tai, have one social class, due to the utopian society which is elegant, non-greedy, peace-loving people, however they do have the occasional rebel whom even with the genetic enhancements will rebel against authority but not harm or stop the course of how things work but simply express their opinion.

However there are cults, such as the Fen’tara cult, they tend to dress in black and do not use real names or titles and focus on old traditions and will sometimes break rules and new traditions, they have nicknamed the Rebels as a result. The cult also tattoos their house symbol onto their bodies. For females, it tends to be on the lower back and males on the abdomen. 

Social Norms:[]

Tradition is a much-loved thing in Dimidia, they treat it as if it were law, in their minds all people are equal and must follow certain norms that all Zon’Tai do and would be a taboo not to.

Such as: Father Picks Offspring Occupation, Dimidians Eat only 3 meals a day with no snacks, ALL Dimidians stay at a certain weight, no Zon’Tai is to harm or bring discomfort to another Dimidian, Think of it as birthdays, all humans usually will celebrate this, it is the same idea with all Zon’Tai traditions

The Taboo Index[]

The list of taboos In Dimidia is rather long, while not crimes, it is often frowned upon and treated as law. Such cults as the Fen’tara tend to ignore these taboos and will attempt to make an example of it, such as taking a mate under the age of 13. 

Death Rituals[]

Zon’Tai live for an average of 1’500 - 2,000 years, which is roughly calculated to  75,000/100,000 earth years. The body is able to be regenerated back to maturity if the person wants to continue living. When one dies of old age, their body is launched into orbit and disintegrated however a holographic form of their body and personality is kept on record with several million backups, just in case power is cut and memory is lost which due to the planet's size could happen. 

A memorial is traditionally held with the consciousness of the individual present at it to watch in a virtual format. Family and friends will gather to say their goodbyes and sometimes congratulations on passing onto a virtually endless existence in a virtual world. The Virtual worlds created for the uploaded consciousness of the person can varey, but are often peaceful or of a sexual nature. 

Socially Important Traits[]

The tradition for the Zon’Tai is of paramount importance for all of the species, as told in the taboo index, to break from tradition is to bring shame to one’s family. as such all of the species often conform to social and cultural traditions. Only a select few have been known to go against tradition and attempt to start new and different societies on the planets. While not strictly policed it is heavily frowned upon to break from tradition and can often lead to segregation from the rest of the species or imprisonment.


The Zon'Tai live on a set of five Planets, Four of which are ring worlds and the final Naturally Occurring Planet.

The Ring Worlds are ‎980,000 miles in width and 2,000 Miles High with day lengths varying from 80 to 100 hours long, the width of the walls themselves are roughly one million miles wide. The gravity is created using centrifugal force as the ring rotates, which is around 198.99 gee (~90.69 m/s²) which is designed to simulate the gravitational conditions of the native planet. The sun and oxygen converters are used to sustain life in and around the ring. The overall mass of the rings is unknown exactly, though they are estimated to be around 500 - 600 quadrillion Ton. They are Fueled by an artificially created red giant, though the temperature is reduced with dampeners.

The Natural occurring planet is an Ecumenopolis, known as Demelia or Dimidia 5, has a diameter 150,000 times larger than that of Earth, featuring a surface gravity about 100 times that of Earth’s. The Entire planet has been occupied, aside from the poles, there is no longer any naturally occurring forests or woodland, 95% of the planet is occupied by one large city known as Fle'nata and is split into 20 Areas known as Pregades, these Pregades slightly elude to class and social status. Oxygen plants sustain the planet with the life support it needs, and where a tactical point of interest during the wars.


Within the nine worlds that the Zon’Tai Live on they are all complete cities. Every family and individual lives either in multistorey condominiums or in one-room apartments. The buildings are generally hundreds of stories tall and have round illuminated windows the color which is customized by the user, this is to let a lot of natural light into the room(s) to better regulate the sleeping pattern of the species. These tall buildings are often curved on one side and Will be bulkier on the other side to better enhance their structural integrity. The buildings are often made from metal and contain multiple exterior lifts (elevators) which are fast traveling and contain their own gravitational field to avoid injury at high speeds. Government buildings are known as ”hierarchy structures” are often a large circular building a top of multiple curved structures leading to the ground which also contains rooms and offices as well as Laboratories. There are multiple large buildings usually round, the size of the soccer field that contains The planets only source of plants and animal life, the structures are used to maintain the life support of the massive world(s). 


The Zon'Tai all speak the same language, named in English, Solvittenia, or at least variations of the said language with multiple different accents, it takes a young person around 3 - 5 Zontinian Years (250 E.Y) to learn. The language has roughly 600 Million Words and is incredibly complex, having single words that can mean entire phrases and are said differently for gender and emotional states. Words can have other meaning when put into different contexts, though some words remain the same in all cases.

It is possible for the enlightened Zontinian to learn a new language other then Solvittenia and a lot do as part of communications with outside species, though in a lot of cases. Some Zontinians are fitted with Neural Translators that will translate them into the native language of the listener in real-time, though this feature is rare as very few of the species ever leave off-world.

Examples of Words Written in English: ( ' Used as gutteral accent guide )

  • Ma'Kenta (Greeting)
  • Jel'rinto (A Drink)
  • Kah'Tesh (Curse Word)
  • Natoshna - ( These People )
  • Ma'tanra - ( Good Bye )
  • Fo’ta - (hierarchy) 
  • Fle'nata - (The City)


Like Most things, Zon’Tai have artificial diets, while not literally artificial, the food they eat is made through artificial or semi Artificial means, plants are grown in a greenhouse and are separated, some are used for oxygen production and others are used for food with homogenized nutritional content through agricultural genetics, this allows a variety to diet while receiving the same amount of nutritional content. they have no need for protein and therefore do not eat meat of any kind, however artificial meat is consumed once a year as a tradition as Zon'Tai did once eat meat but this was many billions of years ago.


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